March 14, 2025, 3:54 am
Hi Everyone training Saturday will start at 6:45 AM our Halfs are doing 12 and our Fulls 18. You can run all, some or none of it. Dress warm and be layered as it warms after a few miles. Meeting at our usual place Barons on Rancho California Rd and Meadows Parkway. See you there.
Hi Everyone, as the Holidays close in so does our race. Only six more weeks until the Carlsbad Half and Full Marathon. Don’t let the Holidays derail your training. The best way to get your training done is to plan ahead. Schedule your training as if it was a business appointment or a doctor’s appointment. You are no good to anyone when you are sick or unhealthy. Training this week will be at 6:45 AM from the Barons shopping center on the corner of Rancho California Road and Meadows Parkway. Our Half’s will be running 11 miles and our Fulls will be running 17 miles. It’s perfectly OK to come out and run less or run more. I hope to see everyone this weekend.
Hi Everyone who is running Carlsbad. Training on Saturday will start at 6:45 AM. All of us should have some extra calories to burn. The Half's will be doing 9 and the Fulls 16. What an amazing opportunity this is. Mike will have the routes and maps. Im going to be running on a boat. Well that is the plan anyway. This could be you.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We have three opportunities to train on Thanksgiving Day.
First- Turkey Trot hosted by Made 2 Be Fit at Harveston Community Park. This is a 5K run starting at 7:00AM
Second- 5K and 10K Fun Run hosted by Murrieta Temecula Valley Runners. Starting at 7:30 AM at the Murrieta Civic Center Town Square Park. Park in the Parking lot on Juniper and Adams
Third- we will be running out of Barons at 6:30 AM. Distances are 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 miles.
I hope you will get out there tomorrow and do one of these three events. Your health is priceless.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Hi Everyone, this weather is amazing for training, It’s hard to believe just a few weeks ago it was so hot. Our Half Marathoners will be doing 8 to 9 miles this week and our Full Marathoners will be doing 15 miles. The Carlsbad Half and Full Marathon is coming very fast. Try to stay focused on your run. The holidays are a huge distraction.
Training will start at 6:45 AM at the Barons shopping center on the corner of Rancho California Road and Meadows Parkway. Mike will be leading the team this week. I will be in Phoenix visiting the kids. Don’t worry I will be running with the Phoenix Fit peeps on Saturday at the very same time you are running.
Everyone make the effort to come out and train this weekend. All are welcome to come out weather you walk, run or crawl, it’s still good for you. Come out and be that Rock Star you know you were born to be.
Training on Saturday will begin at 6:45 AM at the Barons shopping center on Rancho California Road and Meadows Parkway. Carlsbad Haf will run 6 miles and Carlsbad Full will run 14. Mike will have copies of the routes. I will be at the Rugged Manica this weekend with my kids. Carla Dykes will be doing the Rugged Manica as well. Good Luck Carla. Good Luck to everyone doing the Temecula Half Marathon this weekend Lets all give our efforts this weekend our very best.
Here is a little push. Yes its dark, yes it was a long day and yes the couch seems really nice right now. For anyone who does not have a good excuse, Im starting at 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Hills are ON? Corner of Sky Canyon and Murrieta Hot Springs Road. We are stronger as a group. Not up for a run? No problem, Im walking tonight. See you there.
Hi Everyone, its November, the weather has finally cooled off. I can’t think of a better time to work on your health. The holidays are fast approaching, you know what that means, more food and more stress. And those cold and flu bugs are just waiting for you. Those are some great reasons to be as healthy as you can be. You can walk, run or just chat, all are welcome.
We are challenging ourselves to pay attention when we run and look for miscellaneous coin. Each week we find some it goes into a jar along with a raffle ticket. Just before our race we will raffle it off. We are hoping it will pay for someone’s race entry.
For those who are training for Carlsbad our Half’s will do 7 miles and our Full’s will do 13 miles. We are meeting at 6:45 AM at the Barons shopping center.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone. Come out and kick some.
Hi Team, training tomorrow will start at 6:45 AM. Our distances will be 6 miles and 12 miles. You can do more or less if you like. We are currently training for Carlsbad Half and Full Marathon. Come join us and be amazing.